Contact The Pros

Got a Question? Please feel free to reach out to us at

We are happy to assist you and answer any questions or inquiries that you may have.

Also please take a look at the FAQ section below for some common queries.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I send my photographs?

Instructions for shipping your photos will be provided in your order confirmation email. We will provide you with the best shipping address based on your location.

How should I pack my photographs for shipping?

If you would like your photographs arranged in a particular grouping or order:

  • Group specific photos together in individual envelopes or bags
  • Number photos in order if a specific sequence is preferred
  • Photographs can remain within photo books if desired

Will my original photographs be returned?

Once fully processed and carefully repackaged, all original photographs, Polaroids, or documents will be returned via complimentary shipping.

What are the maximumum dimensions for digitization?

The maximum photo, polaroid, or document dimensions are 8.5" x 36".

How long will the digitization process take?

We pride ourselves in having the fastest processing times in the industry. We will get your order back to you within 2-3 weeks of purchase. For comparison, our largest competitors' standard digitization service takes approximately 10-12 weeks.

Is there anything that we cannot digitized?

We are unable to process photographs containing copyrighted or illegal material. If you have additional questions regarding content, please fill out the contact form above and we will get back to you.

Can you cater to large custom orders?

We are able to accommodate custom orders, digitization of photos and documents for schools, universities, doctors offices, and other businesses.

Please reach out via the contact form and we can provide a custom quote to you.